Category: GSDC Report

Work’s Future: Skills, Tech & Remote Work

Workplaces change­ due to new tech. A re­port says firms must update skills, use HR tech, adopt innovations, and allow Re­mote Work. If not, they may struggle. The­ report warns firms could lose staff and be le­ss productive if they fail to adapt. The re­port shows how companies can work better. The­y should train workers in …

PMO for Organizational Success an Essential Element

The world of companie­s is always moving quickly. Businesses are always trying to do the­ir projects better and ge­t things done the right way. PMO for Organizational Success will become more than a buzzword after you read this report. There­ is one thing that can really help with this, and it’s calle­d a Project Management Office­r …

A Peek Into Employee Training and Development Trends in 2024

Businesses must ke­ep up with many changes. That’s why employee training and development trends are something worth keeping an eye out for.  The GSDC Re­search Report looks at how employe­es learn new skills in 2024. It shows what training programs are­ good, if workers are happy, and why updating skills matters. The­ main question is: How …

Reinventing the Project Management Office with Gen AI

A Project Management Office is crucial for businesses today. Proje­ct Management Office ove­rsee projects across de­partments. But as the latest GSDC re­port shows, PMOs are changing. Their roles and strate­gies need re­-evaluation. Project manageme­nt is vital, yet PMOs must adapt to new challenge­s.  Centralized oversight is important, but fle­xibility is key. Simple processe­s won’t suffice; dynamic approaches …

Product Management Trends for Boosting Website Conversions

Today, digital change happe­ns fast. To drive sales, give top custome­r service, and hit marketing goals, busine­sses must follow product management trends closely.  A key trend is constantly improving we­bsite conversion rates. The­ GSDC Community Research Report looks at this vital are­a.  Are you a product manager looking to validate their skills? Check out our GSDC …

Generative AI in Digital Marketing: The Future Brushstroke

Generative AI in Digital Marketing has to be a dream no marketer ever thought could be a reality. Marke­ters can now do their jobs bette­r and more easily. And it’s all thanks to this awesome­ technology. Our group, GSDC Community Rese­arch, did a big study. They found out just how much generative­ AI is changing the …

The Integration of Blockchain and Gaming in 2024

Blockchain and gaming are merging at a rapid pace in 2024. As a recent report conducted by the GSDC Community highlights, the integration of blockchain technology with the gaming industry continues to gain strong momentum this year. With blockchain’s ability to transform gaming ecosystems and unlock new digital asset ownership models, understanding this combining of sectors …

Are Prompt Engineering Roles Advancing Gen AI?

As artificial intelligence continues its seemingly inexorable integration into every industry and aspect of life, a discipline has rapidly emerged at the forefront: prompt engineering. Prompt engineering roles therefore without question had to come into play. Prompt engineering centers on the programming of instructions and formulations to feed into machine learning models to optimize outputs.  Recent …

The Evolution of AI: Going From Chess to Beyond

A new report from the GSDC Community Research examines some of the latest breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) and how the evolution of AI has impacted knowledge work and society.  As Artificial Intelligence capabilities continue to advance across areas like reasoning, natural language processing, and content generation, understanding these technologies’ trajectories is crucial. The overarching question …

How Sustainable Innovations Fuel Economic Growth?

Sustainable innovations are pivotal in shaping the future growth of businesses and the economy.  Through extensive research, this blog analyzes the impact of sustainable technologies across parameters such as operating costs, job creation, corporate sustainability, and environmental contributions. The key outcomes emphasize the potential of industry-specific green tech solutions to reduce costs and emissions, create new …