“Whatever function L&D do should align completely to the top management objectives, organizational goals & strategies, and only then will our function be successful!”
In a world where information can be accessible within two to three clicks, it is easy to create plans that can sidetrack your organization from its actual goals.
It is great to have millions of followers on social media handles, but if none of them bring any leads then this is just a vanity metric.
Therefore strategies should be created but in such a way that supports the main goals of the organization.
It is crucially important to merge ourselves with the business to understand the strategies needed to solve a current problem.
It is important to cut through the noisy list of goals one can set for an organization so that departments can work as a team and understand their priorities.
An excellent example would be, if your strategies are on developing analytics and cloud technology and you start investing in blockchain and IoT just because they are new then there is no point to it.
It is important to learn and structure learning plans but it is equally important to eliminate non-essential learning parts that just don’t work with your organization.
This “skill architecture” can help you focus your organizational learning based on the problems your business is trying to solve.
To do that an organization needs to do things like design thinking, workshops, and brainstorming sessions to understand what needs to be done first and foremost.
All of this is done to ensure every employee/talent is getting the training they need to transform themselves into more capable professionals.
Innovation is an important aspect of learning, it allows you to learn updated and useful skills and leave behind non-essentials.
Therefore finding ways to automate, transform or adapt to new technologies can help businesses to merge talents with themselves and work better.
And lastly, In countries like India, not many people believed in learning using virtual classes but Covid changed all that, it created interactive live classes, Q&A, and more which in turn produced some benefits that even physical sessions failed to do!
This gave a lot of institutes a chance to work from there and create even degree programs that can be done online, Harvard has one of those programs.
Learning is essential for any organization, and individuals to keep themselves fully capable to understand, strategize and solve a problem.