7 Major Roles and Responsibilities of an L&D Manager

The professional growth and skill development of employees is the responsibility of the Learning and Development department in any organization. The L&D manager plays a significant role in the operation of the L&D department. Being an L& D manager, you need to drive, plan, lead and guarantee the quality and practicality of performance support and synchronize with the Corporate Learning and Development techniques. Again, with this role, you are required to set and monitor corporate Learning & Development strategies that are aligning with the business strategies and individual growth. Furthermore, you are required to build close relationships with different departments to analyze the training needs of different departments. Not only you are required, to make training plans and decide upon the different training methods; you are responsible to coach the team members, but also facilitating the Trainers and aligning managers to achieve an optimal level of performance. As an L& D manager, you are also expected to check the viability and pertinence of strategies and methods and make fundamental moves for consistent improvement in the Training plans and delivery.

Below we have listed the 7 Most important Roles and Responsibilities of an L&D Manager



Training Need Analysis (TNA) is the process of identifying the gap between employee skills/knowledge necessary to successfully perform the job functions. As an L&D manager, you will follow the five-step process in the TNA process. Firstly, you will define the Project to identify the Learners and their learning needs,i.e, WHO & WHAT needs to be trained. Secondly, you would need to do an analysis at an organizational level, further, you need to know and understand the nature of the task which is expected to be performed after undergoing the training. Besides, examining the exact task will help you Design and Develop the best-suited Training plans and execute them. After the examination of the exact tasks for whom you are required to make the training, you need to do the Evaluation process, evaluating is reviewing the process and measuring the results. Finally, the last and the most crucial part of TNA is forecasting the budget required for the Design, Develop, and Implementation of the Training. The L& D manager has to manage the entire program in the given budget to get maximize frugal training deliveries. To sum up, you need to do the Job Analysis, Organisational Analysis & Individual Analysis for making the most effective and result-oriented training programs.


After setting clear goals in the analysis stage, the second most crucial role is to Design and Develop the Training materials. Although the L&D manager need not Design or Develop any training module, he has to be very well aware of the quality and significance of each and every content being delivered in the training program. This stage ensures that the learning objectives are well set, the Delivery mode of the Training is decided, the required Budget is clearly calculated, and the Delivery style of the training content is decided

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, Audience of the learning is evaluated and analyzed, the quality of the Content of the training is checked, Timelines i.e. the hours of the Training is specified, the Communication method to the learners is decided, and finally how to measure the effectiveness of training by using Kirkpatrick Model, (Kirkpatrick Model is the most popular and well-recognized method of evaluating the results of training and learning programs)     


Implementation is arguably the most crucial role in the Training process. L&D managers need to be vigilant about the implementation of the Training programs. As an L& D manager, you need to decide the method of delivery, whether synchronous, fully asynchronous online, or a hybrid mixture of both online and in-person. Implementation, simply means, “The teaching part” which is needed to be easy to understand as well as result-oriented. You as an L& D manager need to the structural aspects of training, in how a given program can be successful and bring out maximum results. Thus the ultimate success of the training Program solely depends on how well the Training is implemented. To be a successful Learning and Development manager you need to master and research the best-suited methods for imparting training to individuals at different levels for different tasks.


Evaluate & Organize

Employee Training is an integral part of Organizational Development (OD). The development of the Training follows the ADDIE process, where, E stands for Evaluation. While, Evaluation is the process of gauging the extent to which the required goals, objectives, and targets are achieved from the implementation of your thoughtfully designed and Developed Training programs. Without a doubt, doing the evaluation process at the individual and organizational level, will help you (L&D manager) analyze the gap, build and implement the best training programs. 

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Change is a constant phenomenon in any business. Thus the L&D department has to be always on its toes when it comes to communicating the changes and training the employees who are ultimately going to tackle those changes. Clearly, the L&D department will be the first to learn even a minor change and quickly develop the training which will impact the performance of the employees. The role of the L&D manager will give you the opportunity to give the best and bring out the best from the employees, working at any level. As an L&D manager, you have to bring the different elements into a harmonious or efficient relationship. The L&D department being led by you makes you responsible for developing, facilitating, and supervising training programs for employees ultimately leading to Organizational Development. The learning and development manager needs to have the data for assigning and continuously developing the Training needs of the individuals looking to grow in the organization.



When we save a penny it’s equal to two pennies earned and the company always likes to save that extra penny by assigning strict budgets for every department. Unlike other Departments of the company, which contribute to the direct profit of the organization the L&D department has to face the crunch on the company budget. Although Learning & Development is an indispensable function in any business, it is often noticed that the L&D department is one of the lowest things on the priority list of the companies, so the budget allotted is always a big challenge for the L&D manager. You have to be frugal, you have to have strong negotiating skills with your stakeholders and vendors and at the same time you need to have the ability to give the best with the budget provided for your Training programs. However, with the changing scenario of this rapidly changing industry, the companies are now much aware that the L&D department indirectly impacts the business while considering the performance and motivation to work will help in a steady growth of the business. Thus slowly the budget allocation is given equal importance by the company board.


With this role, you will have the Power to Empower others; it means that hiring the right people in your team can ultimately impact the growth of the organization. The training managers, Trainers, Instructional Designers, and Developers you hire will impart training to the ones who can do the job exceptionally well in the respective departments of the organization. Undoubtedly, having a good team of these specialists will give you the edge in playing your role flawlessly to have the best TNA and best training deliveries across the organization. When it comes to hiring and developing the best, your team can help and train the one who wants to grow in their respective career paths in the organization. So you hire and develop the best.

2 Responses to “7 Major Roles and Responsibilities of an L&D Manager”
  1. graliontorile June 14, 2022
  2. graliontorile July 10, 2022

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